The concept of Chakras is closely linked to energy, both within ourselves and throughout the entire universe. The Universe is regarded as a unified system composed of various elements. Similarly, according to Tantric Buddhism and Hinduism, our bodies consist of five fundamental elements: Air, Space, Earth, Water, and Fire.

Just as the Universe is made up of interconnected elements, our bodies comprise intricate systems of cells where energy flows continuously in the form of these five elements. These energies bring about constant changes within us.
These ever-flowing energies play a significant role in shaping our behaviour, mood, nature, conscience, and overall well-being, affecting both our inner and outer systems. Therefore, the Yogic system enables us to explore the sources, purpose, and meanings of these energies through the Chakras.
What is a Chakra?
In various significant parts of our body, there are constantly spinning centres of energy that sustain our vitality and activity. These energy centres, known as Chakras, derive their name from the rotating motion of Prana, often referred to as the life force.
Chakras can be understood as the meeting points of Nadis, the pathways through which Prana flows. They serve as both distributors and purifiers of this life force. While these junction points where Nadis converge form a triangular shape, they are referred to as Chakras rather than Trikons (triangular points) due to the circular motion introduced by Prana. It is this circular energy radiating from the motion that gives rise to the formation of Chakras.
States Of Chakras
To comprehend the functioning of Chakras, each Chakra exhibits three states of activity. The rate of Prana's rotation within each Chakra determines its particular state at any given time.
Overactive State: When Prana spins at a higher rate than normal, the Chakra is considered overactive. This state manifests as an excessive flow of energy through the corresponding organs of the overactive Chakra.
Balanced State: When Prana spins at the normal rate, maintaining an equilibrium where energy flows neither excessively nor deficiently through specific organs.
Underactive State: When Prana spins slower than the usual rate, often due to lack of attention or certain physical activities, the Chakra becomes underactive.
In both the overactive and underactive states, there is a disruption in the proper flow of energy through the Chakra, resulting in an imbalance or blockage.
When Chakras become blocked, it can lead to illnesses and various challenges that are noticeable in both behavioural and physical aspects.
History of Chakras
The historical origins of the term "Chakra" can be traced back to around 600 BC, when it was first mentioned as the focal point of consciousness in the Upanishads. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali later adopted this concept around 200 BC.
The etymology suggests that the concept of Chakras, known as the "Wheels of Life," originated in Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism. It initially developed within the Vedas, introduced by the Upanishads and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Different interpretations gave rise to varying numbers of Chakras, each representing a unique understanding of Kundalini—the dormant energy at the base of the spine that is unleashed in creation. A similar theory emerged later in Sufism.
The concept of Chakras as energy centres spread from India to China, where it was assimilated and harmonized with Chinese notions of energy flow, known as Qi energy, replacing Kundalini.
In the present day, the concept of Chakras remains popular within the New Age Movement in the West. Modern movements have sparked increased interest in the West regarding Chakras.
How Many Chakras Are There?
According to Dr. Georg Feuerstein's book, "Yoga Encyclopedia," traditional yoga teachings typically mention seven chakras, although some systems describe additional ones.
In addition to the yogic system, there are prominently 114 chakras and 72,000 nadis within the body.
These 114 chakras can be categorized as follows:
112 chakras exist within the physical structure of the body, while the remaining 2 are located in the outer plane.
Among the 114 chakras, 86 are micro chakras, also known as acupuncture points on the body.
Out of the remaining 28 chakras, 21 are minor chakras that work in conjunction with the major chakras and are distributed throughout the body.
The final 7 are referred to as major chakras, with 5 positioned along the spinal column, 1 on the forehead, and 1 above the head (outside of the body).
Each chakra possesses a distinct role, symbol, and energy frequency, and is associated with a different colour. They are also connected to various organs and glands in the body, enabling the channelling of energy (in the form of prana) through the nadis.
The Seven Chakras

Characteristics of Chakras
The description of chakras can be summarized through the following key points:
Chakra Locations: Each chakra is positioned at a specific point along the spine, with five located along the spine and the remaining two on the forehead and above it.
Elemental Representation: The first five chakras represent the elements of the physical body, while the last two chakras (Ajna and Sahasrara) symbolize the mental body and consciousness.
Petal Count: Each chakra is often referred to as a lotus and is associated with a specific number of petals. These petals represent the number of nadis converging at the junction point. A higher petal count signifies greater energy associated with that particular chakra.
Chakra Sounds or Mantras: Each of the seven chakras responds to a specific set of frequencies. The vibrations of the corresponding chakra can be stimulated through the recitation of the corresponding beej mantra during daily meditation, helping to balance the energy of each chakra.
Chakra Colors: The energy emitted by each chakra is associated with a specific colour, known as the "chakra's colour." This colour can provide insight into a person's emotions, physical state, and spiritual well-being.
Now that you have been introduced to the basics of chakras, let's delve deeper into how each chakra is connected to various aspects of your physical, mental, and overall well-being.
Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra): Grounding and Stability
The Sanskrit term "Muladhara" signifies the significance of the 1st Chakra, where "Mula" means "Basic" or "Root" and "Dhara" means "Support." The 1st Chakra is responsible for meeting basic needs such as survival, shelter, and food. It determines our ability to survive and remain grounded. The four petals in the root chakra symbolize the convergence of four subtle nadis at the base of the spine.
Qualities of the Root Chakra: The Root Chakra helps develop qualities such as:
Sensing and smelling abilities
Sense of security
Physical engagement with the external world
Grounded presence in the world
Signs of a Balanced Root Chakra: In a balanced state of the root chakra:
You experience vitality and a sense of responsibility
Groundedness and connection with earthly elements enhance your sense of security
Striving to meet survival needs brings satisfaction
Signs of an Overactive Root Chakra: When the root chakra is overactive:
Fearfulness tends to increase
Problems related to the spine, kidneys, prostate, and suprarenal glands may arise
Possessiveness becomes prominent
Anxiety accompanies fear
Difficulty in fulfilling basic survival needs
To balance an overactive root chakra:
Practice acts of kindness
Connect with nature and earthly elements
Engage in activities like gardening, planting, or walking
Signs of an Underactive Root Chakra: Being deficient in the root chakra can lead to:
Feelings of homelessness (insecurity)
Depression and a lack of grounding
Weakness and lack of motivation
Misunderstandings and victimhood
How to Energize an Underactive Root Chakra: There are three ways to energize a deficient root chakra:
Chant the seed sound (Bija Mantra) "Lam"
Consume red-coloured/root vegetables such as radishes, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, cherries, strawberries, etc.
Wear stones/gems like bloodstone, red jasper, and black tourmaline, which help stimulate the root chakra.
Svadhishthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra): Creativity and Sexuality
The second chakra in the series of seven chakras is Svadhishthana Chakra, located below the belly button and extending to its centre. "Svadhishthana" combines the Sanskrit words "Sva" meaning "One's Own" and "Adhishthana" meaning "Place." It is also sometimes associated with the word "Svad" meaning "Activity of taking pleasure."
In essence, the meaning of Svadhishthana, the 2nd Chakra, revolves around realizing one's identity as a human being, son, brother, friend, or father, about the surrounding world.
The symbol of the Sacral Chakra consists of an upturned silver crescent moon inside an orange-coloured circle. The silver crescent moon represents the water element associated with the sacral chakra, and the circle is adorned with six lotus petals, each containing a unique Sanskrit syllable.
Qualities of the Sacral Chakra: The qualities associated with the Sacral Chakra include:
The ability to make decisions influenced by intelligence
Sensuality and sexual expression
Intuition and creativity
Signs of a Balanced Sacral Chakra: According to Ambika Wauters in her book "Healing with Energy of Chakras," depression is a result of the energy closing down in this chakra.
The following signs indicate a balanced sacral chakra:
Enjoying life's pleasures without becoming addicted or overindulgent
Maintaining humble and strong relationships with those around you
Perceiving the world and oneself with equality, fostering friendly and joyful connections
Signs of an Overactive Sacral Chakra: When there is an excess of energy flowing through the Sacral Chakra:
There is a tendency to become manipulative
Physical symptoms may include obesity, hormone imbalances, and restlessness
Overindulgence and addiction to pleasures
Increased lustfulness and selfishness with a desire to control
How to Balance an Overactive Sacral Chakra: To balance an overactive second chakra:
Redirect the excess energy to a nearby chakra by withdrawing from addictive pleasures and grounding oneself with natural elements
Consider whether actions are healthy or nourishing, and if not, refrain from them
Signs of an Underactive Sacral Chakra: The following signs indicate a deficiency of energy in the Sacral Chakra:
Focusing solely on practical matters and neglecting the enjoyment of the process
Physical symptoms may include low back pain, sexual dysfunction, and a diminished sense of taste
Emotional instability, trust issues, and lack of passion
How to Energize an Underactive Sacral Chakra: To restore the energy of an underactive Sacral Chakra:
Regularly recite the seed sound "Vam" during meditation
Stay close to the water and water bodies to replenish the depleted energy (as water is the element associated with the Sacral Chakra)
Gemstones like Orange Aventurine, Orange Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Calcite, and Coral Calcite can help activate and balance the Sacral Chakra's energy.
Read More: Open Your Svadhisthana– Sacral Chakra
Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra): Personal Power And Confidence
The third chakra, known as Manipura, is positioned at the centre of the body and directly above the navel. It is closely associated with the digestive system.
The term "Manipura" translates to "Lustrous Gem" and represents the centre of the body. Its symbol is a descending red triangle enclosed in a circle, symbolizing willpower and individual identity.
The Manipura chakra has ten petals, representing the ten Pranas or vibrations within the solar plexus. It is depicted in a vibrant yellow colour, symbolizing the energy for personal and professional growth, comparable to the brightness of the sun. Its primary element is fire, associated with the pancreas, stomach, liver, and gall bladder.
Qualities of the Solar Plexus Chakra: The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the following qualities:
It serves as the meeting point of Prana and Apana, two of the five life forces (Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, and Samana).
It represents consciousness and willpower.
It is linked to the ego, exertion of willpower, and self-control.
It plays a role in the distribution of nourishing elements throughout the body.
Signs of a Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra: A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra is indicated by the following:
Feeling determined and self-confident in your endeavours.
Having a strong desire to seek the truth about your life.
Displaying decisiveness, self-control, and affirmation in your intentions and actions.
Signs of an Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra: When the Solar Plexus Chakra is overactive:
There is a tendency to become excessively authoritative, seeking control over people or the environment.
Relying excessively on logical reasoning and analysis.
Imposing strict limits and rigid plans on oneself.
Experiencing anger over minor issues, often triggered by the heightened state of the Manipura Chakra.
How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra: To balance an overactive Solar Plexus Chakra, it is important to:
Open yourself up to love and kindness towards others.
Cultivate compassion and empathy for others as well as yourself.
Allocate time for self-reflection and introspection to assess your actions.
Ensure that your actions have a positive impact on those around you.
Signs of an Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra: When the Solar Plexus Chakra is underactive:
Confidence decreases, leading to difficulties in decision-making.
Becoming shy and unable to express concerns or opinions.
Diminished self-worth, increased submissiveness, and lack of self-respect.
How to Energize an Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra: To revitalize an underactive Solar Plexus Chakra:
Chanting the Bija Mantra "Ram" helps restore energy to this chakra.
Consuming yellow-coloured foods such as turmeric, yellow fruits, vegetables, cereals, flax seeds, and rice can stimulate the underactive Manipura Chakra.
Crystals such as Amber, Citrine, Lemon Quartz, Yellow Jasper, and Yellow Tourmaline can help stimulate the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra): Love And Compassion
The fourth of the seven major chakras is associated with the colour green, symbolizing the free flow of energy like air, and its element is the air itself.
The symbol of the Heart Chakra consists of 12 lotus petals.
The Heart Chakra encompasses the areas surrounding the heart, including the lungs, thymus, and liver. It is closely connected to blood circulation due to its alignment with the heart.
Qualities of the Heart Chakra: The Heart Chakra is associated with the following qualities:
The ability to maintain meaningful relationships with others.
It serves as the centre of awareness and integration of insights.
How you express love towards others and yourself is determined by the Heart Chakra.
Signs of a Balanced Heart Chakra: A balanced Heart Chakra is characterized by the following signs:
Feeling love and compassion for oneself and others.
Treating everyone with unconditional affection, selflessness, compassion, and devotion.
Having empathetic thoughts for others regardless of personal circumstances.
Signs of an Overactive Heart Chakra: You may be experiencing an overactive Heart Chakra if:
You excessively express your emotions.
Become overly judgmental and jealous.
Have difficulty controlling your emotions or become overly attached to someone or something.
Experience challenges in discerning relationships.
Your emotions tend to control your actions.
Saying yes without considering the consequences has become a habit.
How to Balance the Heart Chakra: To balance the Heart Chakra, you can take the following steps:
Spend time in nature to rejuvenate your Heart Chakra.
Learn to love yourself and practice letting go, as this is crucial for restoring balance to the Anahata Chakra.
Learn to say no when necessary, prioritizing your own needs and well-being.
Cultivate kindness and compassion towards others even in challenging situations.
Signs of an Underactive Heart Chakra: The underactive state of the Heart Chakra is characterized by:
Feeling a lack of emotions towards others.
Difficulty being kind and compassionate towards others.
Struggling to engage in loving relationships.
How to Energize an Underactive Heart Chakra: To increase the energy level of an underactive Heart Chakra, you can incorporate the following practices:
Consume green foods and spend time in green surroundings to align with the primary colour associated with the Heart Chakra.
During meditation, recite the chant "Yum" to uplift the energy of the heart.
Wear gemstones that enhance the Heart Chakra, such as Malachite (which prevents negativity and balances the energy of the heart), Epidote (to enhance positive intentions), and Chrysoprase (to bring joy and positivity).
Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra): Communication And Self-Expression
The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, represents purity and clarity.
The Throat Chakra, also known as the fifth chakra, is located at the centre of the neck, near the vocal cords. It is associated with the ability to speak and hear the truth.
The symbol of the Throat Chakra consists of a circle inside a descending triangle with a crescent moon, representing pure instinct and communication. It is represented by the colour blue and has 16 lotus petals.
The Throat Chakra is also known by other names such as KanthPadma and ShodsashDala.
Qualities of the Throat Chakra: The Throat Chakra is associated with the following qualities:
The ability to express and listen to the truth.
Creativity and realization of one's purpose.
Verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as internal and external communication.
Signs of a Balanced Throat Chakra: A balanced Throat Chakra is characterized by the following signs:
The clarity in thought processes and communication.
Expression of creativity to the world.
Confidence in one's purpose.
Signs of an Overactive Throat Chakra: An overactive Throat Chakra may manifest in the following signs:
Loss of control over speech.
Hurtful words are being spoken.
Manipulative thoughts or words enter the mind.
How to Balance the Throat Chakra: To balance the Throat Chakra, you can take the following steps:
Practice active listening and speak less.
Cultivate patience and consider what you want to say and to whom.
Spend time near the blue sky or ocean, as the colour blue is associated with the Throat Chakra.
Signs of an Underactive Throat Chakra: An underactive Throat Chakra may be indicated by the following signs:
Slurred and less confident speech.
Difficulty expressing oneself.
Limited communication with others.
Fear of expressing one's views.
How to Energize an Underactive Throat Chakra: To increase the energy of an underactive Throat Chakra, you can try the following practices:
Engage in art and creativity.
Chant the Bija Mantra "Hum" or "Ham" during meditation.
Wear blue stones and gems that help boost the energy of the Throat Chakra, such as Azurite, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Sodalite, and Aquamarine.
Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra): Intuition And Perception
The Ajna Chakra, commonly known as the Third-Eye Chakra, is situated at the centre of the forehead, between the eyebrows. It is also referred to as the Brow Chakra due to its location between the eyes.
The Ajna chakra symbol consists of two Lotus petals with a downward-pointing triangle beneath a circle. This symbol represents the merging of two important nadis, namely Ida and Pingala, at this point.
The Third-Eye Chakra is associated with the lower brain, pituitary gland, spine, and sixth sense. It influences the functioning of the eyes, ears, nose, and pineal glands, as well as psychic and extrasensory perception.
Qualities of the Third-Eye Chakra include:
The ability to perceive the concepts between life and death through wisdom.
Visualizing the surroundings using the third eye, which is not physically present.
Recognizing patterns and connecting them to a bigger picture, thereby bringing clarity and subtlety.
Signs of a balanced Third-Eye Chakra include:
A sparkle in the eyes reflects the balanced state.
Enhanced vision and a stronger metabolism, lead to increased strength in the upper body.
Sharper memory and optimal capacity for wise and calm thinking.
Signs of an overactive Third-Eye Chakra can have significant effects on one's psychological behaviour, such as:
Frequent fantasizing.
Mental exhaustion due to continuous or excessive flow of thoughts.
Difficulty making even simple decisions in the hyperactive state.
Hallucinations and anxiety are common experiences in the excessive state of the Ajna Chakra.
To balance an overactive Third-Eye Chakra, it is recommended to:
Ground yourself to calm the hyperactive state.
Work on balancing the lower-level chakras, namely the Heart, Throat, and Sacral chakras.
Take a break from decision-making and allow your senses to align.
Before hastily judging others, question yourself.
Signs of an underactive Third-Eye Chakra include:
Feeling intimidated by one's thoughts regularly.
Dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety is a daily struggle.
Difficulty remembering even the simplest things and events.
To energize an underactive Third-Eye Chakra, you can try the following practices:
Maintain a healthy diet and include blueberries, raspberries, grapes, wine, and blackberries.
Chant the Seed Sound "Om/Aum" associated with the Ajna Chakra during meditation.
Wear Third-Eye Chakra Stones like Indigo/Blue Kyanite, Phenacite, Satyaloka Quartz, and Tanzanite to revitalize the Ajna Chakra.
Sahastrara Chakra (Crown Chakra): Spirituality And Connection To Higher Consciousness
The Crown Chakra, also known as Sahasrara or the Thousand Petals Chakra, is the final and highest chakra located outside of the body.
The violet colour associated with this chakra represents the transcendence of physical connections and the presence of being beyond the physical realm.
The Crown Chakra serves as the centre where all the lower-level chakras integrate with their respective qualities. It is believed that mastering the lower chakras increases the likelihood of achieving balance in the Crown Chakra as well.
Qualities of the Crown Chakra include:
Defining the state of consciousness and acting as a gateway to connect with the divine self.
Unravelling the mysteries of the universe through harmony and oneness.
Helping to transcend pride, ego, selfishness, and other limitations.
Signs of a balanced Crown Chakra include:
Attaining the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment.
Feeling profound joy, peace, and a sense of connection with all beings in the universe.
Embracing an egalitarian perspective, envisioning equality for all.
Signs of an overactive Crown Chakra may manifest as:
Egomaniacal behaviour, excessive pride, and selfishness, with a desire for power and control.
Misusing one's power and senses.
To balance an overactive Crown Chakra, it is important to ground and bring the energy down to lower chakras. Practices to consider include:
Embracing the universal principle that everything is connected and we are all made of the same elements.
Cultivating gratitude, trust, and helping others in need.
Spending time outdoors, facing the sun, and allowing its light to shine upon you.
Signs of an underactive Crown Chakra can include:
Feeling aloof and disconnected from spiritual experiences.
Experiencing a sense of loneliness and meaninglessness.
Possessing wisdom and knowledge but being reluctant to share them with others.
To energize an underactive Crown Chakra, consider the following practices:
Letting go of the ego and recognizing the unity of all beings, serving your purpose without expectations.
Reciting the Bija Mantra "Om/Aum" during meditation to revitalize the Crown Chakra.
Wearing Kyanite enhances the energy level of the Crown Chakra.
Consuming herbal foods such as Sage, Juniper, Myrrh, and Copal to restore energy.
How to heal Chakras
Meditation is a powerful tool to heal imbalances or blockages in your energy centres. It allows you to focus on each chakra and release any negative energy that may be blocking its flow.
You can meditate by sitting still and focusing on your breath, imagining the chakra's colour and allowing yourself to visualize the energy flowing through it. You can also use guided meditations that have been specifically designed for chakra healing.
One popular method is called "chakra scanning". This technique involves focusing on each chakra, one at a time, and imagining a coloured light passing through it.
If you sense any blockages or areas of tension, you can focus your attention on those areas and imagine the light breaking through any barriers in its path. With practice, this technique can help you identify specific areas of tension within your energy system and give you greater control over how you direct that energy.
Yoga is another effective way to balance your chakras. Each pose is designed to stimulate different parts of the body and activate specific chakras. For example, forward bends like Uttanasana are great for opening up the root chakra while backbends like Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) help open up the heart chakra.
There are even specific yoga sequences designed for each chakra. You can also use pranayama or breathing exercises as part of your yoga practice to stimulate the flow of prana throughout your body.
One simple but effective exercise is called Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing). This technique helps balance both sides of the brain as well as clear out any blockages in the Ida (left) and Pingala (right) nadis which run along either side of our spine.
Using Crystals
Crystals are believed to have specific vibrations that can help balance and heal our chakras. Each crystal is associated with different chakras, colours, and healing properties. For example, amethyst is said to be good for the third eye chakra while rose quartz is good for the heart chakra.
To use crystals for healing, you can place them on or around your body during meditation or wear them as jewellery throughout the day. You can also hold a crystal in your hand and focus on its energy while visualizing it flowing through your body and balancing your chakras.
Incorporating techniques like meditation, yoga, and crystals into your routine can help you balance your chakras and promote overall health and well-being. Remember that every individual's energy system is unique, so it's important to pay attention to how these practices make you feel. With time and practice, you'll start to develop a deeper understanding of your energy system and how to keep it in balance.
Our body is not just made up of physical matter, but also of energy. Chakras are the energetic wheels that keep us balanced and healthy. Understanding our energy system is crucial for achieving optimal well-being.

By paying attention to our chakras, we can identify areas of imbalance or blockage and take steps to correct them. Through meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices, we can learn to tune in to our energy centres and keep them in balance.
When we experience physical symptoms or emotional distress, it's important to consider the possibility that an imbalance in one or more chakras may be contributing to the issue. The more we understand about our energy system and how it works, the more power we have over our health and happiness.
By taking care of our chakras regularly through self-care practices like meditation and yoga, we can stay in better alignment with ourselves and experience greater physical health, emotional stability, mental clarity and spiritual connection. In closing, I encourage you to pay attention to your energy system.
Take time each day for self-reflection and self-care practices like meditation or yoga that promote balance within your chakra system. With regular attention paid towards balancing your chakras, you will enjoy a greater sense of overall well-being that will lead you towards living a happier healthier life!
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