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Svarga Dvijasana (Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose): How to do, Variations & Benefits

Writer's picture: Pooja ChauhanPooja Chauhan

Are you ready to spread your wings and experience the freedom of flight within your yoga practice? Look no further than Svarga Dvijasana, also known as Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose. This beautiful asana embodies grace, strength, and a sense of liberation. As you explore the depths of this pose, you'll discover the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit.

Svarga Dvijasana (Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose)

Svarga Dvijasana, derived from Sanskrit, translates to "Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose." Just as a bird soars through the skies, this asana emulates the elegance and beauty of flight. Svarga Dvijasana is an advanced standing pose that challenges your balance, strength, and flexibility. It combines elements of yoga, dance, and meditation, creating a harmonious blend of physical and spiritual awareness.

The name "Bird of Paradise" evokes a sense of wonder and enchantment. In yoga philosophy, the bird symbolizes freedom, lightness, and transcendence. As you embody the essence of a bird in this pose, you can tap into these qualities and experience a heightened sense of liberation and joy.

Svarga Dvijasana primarily targets the hamstrings, hips, shoulders, and core muscles. This pose engages and strengthens the quadriceps, glutes, calves, and ankle stabilizers. The opening of the chest and shoulders enhances posture and expands the breath, allowing for deeper relaxation and mental clarity.

How to Perform Svarga Dvijasana (Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose)

Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) at the top of your mat, grounding through both feet and finding a steady foundation.

  1. Shift your weight onto your left foot and bend your right knee, bringing it towards your chest.

  2. With your right hand, grasp the outside of your right foot or use a yoga strap for support.

  3. As you extend your right leg forward, maintain a strong core and find balance.

  4. Slowly begin to rotate your torso towards the right, opening your chest and hips.

  5. Reach your left arm towards the sky, allowing it to float upwards with grace and ease.

  6. If you feel stable, start to straighten your right leg, reaching it forward until it is parallel to the ground.

  7. Find a steady gaze, focusing on a point ahead of you (your drishti), and breathe deeply, allowing your body to find its natural rhythm.

  8. Hold the pose for several breaths, feeling the strength and freedom within your body.

  9. To release, gently lower your right leg back down, returning to Mountain Pose, and repeat on the opposite side.

Svarga Dvijasana (Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose)

When to Do Svarga Dvijasana

Svarga Dvijasana is best practiced when your body is warm and your muscles are more pliable. It's recommended to include this pose in your yoga routine during the middle or towards the end of your practice.

Preparatory Poses

Before attempting Svarga Dvijasana, it's beneficial to warm up your body and open the relevant muscle groups. Consider incorporating these preparatory poses into your practice:

  1. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

  2. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

  3. Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

  4. Bound Extended Side Angle Pose (Baddha Utthita Parsvakonasana)

Follow-up Poses

To cool down and integrate the benefits of Svarga Dvijasana, follow it with these complementary poses:

  1. Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

  2. Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

  3. Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

  4. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)


Svarga Dvijasana energizes and stimulates the Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra. Located in the lower abdomen, this chakra governs creativity, sensuality, and emotional well-being. By practicing Svarga Dvijasana, you can awaken and balance this energy center, fostering a deeper connection with your creative essence.

 Svadhisthana Chakra or Sacral Chakra.

Mantra for Svarga Dvijasana

As you gracefully move into Svarga Dvijasana, you may choose to chant or silently repeat the mantra "I am free." This affirmation reinforces the sense of liberation and empowers you to transcend self-imposed limitations.

Alignment Cues

To maintain proper alignment in Svarga Dvijasana, consider the following cues:

  1. Ground through your standing foot to find stability and balance.

  2. Keep your core engaged to support your spine and maintain a strong center.

  3. Maintain an open chest and lifted heart, allowing the energy to flow freely.

  4. Be mindful of your hip alignment, ensuring that both hips face forward.

  5. Relax your shoulders away from your ears, encouraging a sense of ease and lightness.

Duration of Hold

When initially practicing Svarga Dvijasana, start with shorter holds of 3-5 breaths. As your strength and flexibility improve, gradually extend the duration of the pose to 30 seconds or more. Listen to your body and honor its limits.


Your drishti, or focal point, is crucial in maintaining balance and focus during Svarga Dvijasana. Fix your gaze on a stationary point in front of you, either on the floor or slightly higher, to anchor your attention and enhance your stability.

Physical and Spiritual Awareness

Svarga Dvijasana offers both physical and spiritual benefits. Physically, it strengthens your legs, core, and upper body, improves balance, and increases flexibility in the hips and hamstrings. Spiritually, this pose promotes a sense of freedom, grace, and mindfulness, allowing you to connect with your higher self and experience a profound sense of liberation.

Beginners' Tips

If you're new to Svarga Dvijasana, here are some tips to help you ease into the pose:

  1. Start with the modified version by using a yoga strap to hold onto your foot.

  2. Focus on balance and stability before attempting to straighten your leg fully.

  3. Keep your standing knee slightly bent to maintain stability and protect your joints.

  4. Practice near a wall or with a partner for added support and confidence.

Who Should Not Do Svarga Dvijasana

While Svarga Dvijasana offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of contraindications and avoid this pose if you have the following conditions:

  1. Recent or chronic injuries to the knees, hips, or shoulders.

  2. High blood pressure or heart conditions.

  3. Pregnancy.

  4. Vertigo or dizziness.

Who Should Do Svarga Dvijasana

Svarga Dvijasana is suitable for intermediate to advanced practitioners who have a strong foundation in yoga and are looking to challenge themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you're seeking to deepen your practice and explore new horizons, this pose is for you.

Benefits of Svarga Dvijasana

Svarga Dvijasana offers a wide range of benefits that encompass the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being. Here are some of the advantages you can experience by practicing this pose:

  1. Strength and Flexibility: Svarga Dvijasana builds strength in your legs, core, and upper body, especially the shoulders and arms. It enhances flexibility in the hips, hamstrings, and shoulders, increasing your overall range of motion.

  2. Balance and Stability: This pose challenges your balance and proprioception, improving your ability to find stability both on and off the mat. It cultivates a strong foundation, enhancing your posture and coordination.

  3. Increased Focus and Concentration: As you find your drishti and maintain your balance, Svarga Dvijasana promotes mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It trains your mind to stay present and fully engaged in the present moment.

  4. Emotional and Energetic Release: The physical demands of Svarga Dvijasana help release tension and stagnant energy from the body. This can lead to an emotional release, leaving you feeling lighter, more open, and energized.

  5. Self-Expression and Creativity: Svarga Dvijasana encourages self-expression and fosters creativity. The expansive nature of this pose inspires you to embrace your uniqueness, explore new possibilities, and tap into your creative potential.

  6. Confidence and Empowerment: Successfully practicing Svarga Dvijasana can boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. It challenges you to overcome fears, trust your body's capabilities, and step into your power.

Variations of Svarga Dvijasana

Once you have mastered the foundational Svarga Dvijasana, you can explore variations to further deepen your practice:

Namitum Svarga Dvijasana (Bowing Bird Of Paradise Pose)

Namitum Svarga Dvijasana, also known as Bowing Bird Of Paradise Pose, invites us to gracefully bow in reverence to the beauty and freedom that exists within us. This pose symbolizes humility and surrender, allowing us to connect with our inner strength and the vastness of our potential.

Namitum Svarga Dvijasana engages the muscles of the legs, hips, core, and shoulders. It stretches the hamstrings, glutes, and calves while building strength in the quadriceps, inner thighs, and deep core muscles. This pose also promotes stability and balance, enhancing our overall posture.

Namitum Svarga Dvijasana (Bowing Bird Of Paradise Pose)

How to Perform Namitum Svarga Dvijasana (Bowing Bird Of Paradise Pose)

  1. Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), grounding through both feet and finding a sense of stability.

  2. Shift your weight onto your left foot and bend your right knee, bringing it towards your chest.

  3. Slowly extend your right leg forward, keeping it slightly bent.

  4. Reach your right arm inside your right leg, and with your right hand, hold the outside of your right foot or ankle.

  5. As you find your balance, start to hinge forward from your hips, bowing your torso towards your right leg.

  6. Extend your left arm forward, allowing it to float gracefully in front of you.

  7. Engage your core and draw your shoulder blades down your back, opening your chest.

  8. Stay in this gentle bowing position for several breaths, finding your edge while maintaining a sense of ease and relaxation.

  9. To release, gently come back up to an upright position, lower your right leg down, and return to Mountain Pose.

  10. Repeat on the opposite side, shifting your weight onto your right foot and bowing towards your left leg.

Parivrtta Svarga Dvijasana (Revolved Bird Of Paradise Pose Yoga)

Parivrtta Svarga Dvijasana, or Revolved Bird Of Paradise Pose, invites us to explore the dynamic relationship between strength and flexibility. This pose symbolizes the transformative power of twisting and turning, allowing us to release what no longer serves us and embrace new possibilities.

Parivrtta Svarga Dvijasana stretches the hamstrings, hips, and shoulders while building strength in the legs, core, and upper body. This pose also stimulates the digestive system and massages the internal organs, promoting detoxification and rejuvenation.

Parivrtta Svarga Dvijasana (Revolved Bird Of Paradise Pose Yoga)

How to Perform Parivrtta Svarga Dvijasana (Revolved Bird Of Paradise Pose Yoga)

Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), grounding through both feet and finding stability.

  1. Shift your weight onto your left foot and bend your right knee, bringing it towards your chest.

  2. Cross your right ankle over your left thigh, just above the knee, creating a figure-four shape.

  3. Flex your right foot to protect your knee joint and maintain stability.

  4. As you find your balance, begin to sit back into a "chair" position, lowering your hips towards the ground.

  5. Place your hands in a prayer position at your heart center, using them as support and a gentle reminder of your intention.

  6. Slowly begin to twist your torso to the right, hooking your left elbow outside your right knee.

  7. Press your palms together, using the leverage of your arms to deepen the twist.

  8. Maintain a strong core and keep your spine long and lifted.

  9. Gaze over your right shoulder, finding a point of focus (your drishti) to enhance your balance and concentration.

  10. Stay in this revolved position for several breaths, feeling the release and detoxification happening in your body.

  11. To release, gently unwind the twist, lower your right foot down, and return to Mountain Pose.

  12. Repeat on the opposite side, shifting your weight onto your right foot and twisting towards your left side.

Modifications for Svarga Dvijasana

If you are working with limited mobility or flexibility, consider these modifications to make Svarga Dvijasana more accessible:

  1. Use a Yoga Strap: If reaching your foot is challenging, loop a yoga strap around the arch of your foot and hold onto the strap with your hand.

  2. Support Your Standing Leg: If balancing is difficult, practice against a wall or use a chair for support. This modification allows you to focus on the upper body and hip opening.

Common Mistakes

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure a safe and effective practice of Svarga Dvijasana:

  1. Rounding the Back: Maintain a long, neutral spine throughout the pose, avoiding any rounding or hunching of the back. Engage your core to support a strong posture.

  2. Forcing the Straight Leg: Only straighten your lifted leg as much as your flexibility allows. Pushing beyond your limits can strain your hamstrings or compromise your balance.

  3. Collapsing the Chest: Keep your chest open and lifted, avoiding any collapse in the shoulders. Broaden across the collarbones and allow the heart to shine forward.

Safety and Precautions

While Svarga Dvijasana is a beneficial pose, it's important to practice it safely and mindfully. Keep the following precautions in mind:

  1. Warm-up: Prioritize a thorough warm-up before attempting Svarga Dvijasana to prepare your muscles and joints for the demands of the pose.

  2. Listen to Your Body: Honor your body's limits and respect any sensations of pain or discomfort. Never force yourself into a position that feels painful or exceeds your capabilities.

  3. Proper Alignment: Focus on maintaining proper alignment throughout the pose to prevent strain or injury. If you're unsure about your alignment, seek guidance from a qualified yoga teacher.

Additional Preparation Tips

To enhance your experience of Svarga Dvijasana, consider these additional tips:

  1. Direction to Face: Face towards the East while practicing Svarga Dvijasana, as the East symbolizes new beginnings, growth, and the rising sun.

  2. Appropriate Attire: Wear comfortable and stretchy clothing that allows for ease of movement. Choose breathable fabrics that wick away moisture and support your body during the pose.

  3. Suitable Environment and Fragrance: Find a peaceful and clutter-free space for your practice. Enhance the ambiance by diffusing essential oils or lighting scented candles, such as lavender or frankincense, to create a calming atmosphere.

  4. Music for Svarga Dvijasana: Select soothing instrumental or gentle yoga music to accompany your practice. The rhythmic melodies can create a harmonious backdrop and aid in relaxation.

Svarga Dvijasana, the Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose, beckons you to explore the realms of freedom, grace, and self-expression. Through this asana, you can discover the strength, balance, and flexibility that reside within you, both on the physical and spiritual levels. Embrace the journey of Svarga Dvijasana, spread your wings, and experience the liberating sensation of flight within your yoga practice. Remember to approach this pose with patience, respect your body's limitations, and always listen to its wisdom. Enjoy the transformative power of Svarga Dvijasana and embrace the freedom that lies within you.

Happy yoga-ing, everyone!


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About the Author

Namaste! I'm Pooja Chauhan

RYT 200Hrs | Meditation Coach 

Diving deep into the realm of yoga to revive its original teachings to create a significant impact in preserving and sharing them with the world.

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