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Stha Padmasana (Standing Lotus Pose): Steps, Benefits & Modification

The name Stha Padmasana originates from Sanskrit. "Stha" means "standing" or "steady," and "Padma" refers to the "lotus flower." So, in this pose, we stand tall like a beautiful lotus, rooted in strength and tranquility.

Stha Padmasana (Standing Lotus Pose)

Now, don't let the Sanskrit scare you away. Let's pronounce it together: STHA (pronounced: sthah) PADMASANA (pronounced: pahd-MAH-suh-nuh).

Before we delve into the how-to's, let's explore the anatomy of this mesmerizing pose. Stha Padmasana primarily engages your hips, thighs, and core. It opens up your heart center and encourages a sense of expansion and receptivity.

How to Perform Stha Padmasana (Standing Lotus Pose)

  1. Begin by sitting on the floor in padmasana (lotus position).

  2. Stretch your arms forward and place them on the floor.

  3. Lift your trunk and hips off the floor.

  4. Stand on your knees while keeping the trunk straight.

  5. Gradually lift each hand off the floor while stretching your thighs.

  6. Maintain balance and keep the spine aligned.

  7. Join your hands in a prayer position in front of your chest.

  8. Hold the position as long as it feels comfortable.

  9. Now, place your hands on the floor and lower your hips back to the floor.

  10. Release your legs and change the leg position.

  11. Repeat the same sequence for the same duration.

Stha Padmasana (Standing Lotus Pose)

When to Do It

Stha Padmasana is a fantastic pose to start your day with a sense of centeredness and calmness. You can also practice it in the evening to unwind and let go of the day's stress.

Preparatory Poses

To prepare your body for the Standing Lotus Pose, try these asanas:

  1. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

  2. Garland Pose (Malasana)

  3. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Follow Up Poses

After finding your stillness in Stha Padmasana, you can flow into these poses:

  1. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I)

  2. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

  3. Seated Lotus Pose (Padmasana)


Stha Padmasana aligns and activates the Anahata Chakra, also known as the Heart Chakra. This energy center governs love, compassion, and acceptance – qualities that bloom like a lotus when our hearts are open.

Heart Chakra (anhata Chakra)

Mantra for This Pose

While standing tall in Stha Padmasana, you can softly chant the mantra "Yam." It resonates with the Heart Chakra and helps foster a sense of love and connection.

Alignment Cues

Let's keep our lotus blooming beautifully with these alignment cues:

  1. Steady Roots: Ground your standing foot firmly into the earth, feeling the support beneath you.

  2. Hips Square: Keep your hips facing forward to maintain balance and alignment.

  3. Open Heart: Lift your heart towards the sky, letting go of any tension in your shoulders.

  4. Gaze Ahead: Fix your gaze on a focal point to steady your mind and find focus.

Duration of Hold

As a beginner, aim to hold Stha Padmasana for 30 seconds on each side. With practice, you can extend the duration to 1 minute or more.


Your drishti, or focal point, is a guiding light during this pose. Fix your gaze on a stationary object to maintain your balance and enhance your concentration.

Physical & Spiritual Awareness

As you stand like a lotus in Stha Padmasana, be mindful of your breath and the sensations in your body. Embrace the stillness and let your soul blossom in this tranquil state.

Beginners’ Tips

For beginners, finding stability in Stha Padmasana may take some time. Don't worry; it's all part of the journey. Use a wall or a chair for support if needed, and most importantly, be patient with yourself.

Who Should Not Do It

If you have any knee or hip injuries, it's best to avoid this pose or perform a modified version. Pregnant individuals should also approach this pose with caution.

Who Should Do It

Stha Padmasana is suitable for intermediate practitioners looking to enhance their balance, focus, and hip flexibility. If you're ready to blossom like a lotus, this pose is for you!

Benefits of Stha Padmasana (Standing Lotus Pose)

Ah, the sweet rewards of the Standing Lotus Pose! Let's explore the benefits:

  1. Stability and Balance: As you stand tall like a lotus, you cultivate a sense of stability and balance in both body and mind.

  2. Hip Flexibility: This pose gently opens up your hips, improving flexibility and relieving tension in the area.

  3. Heart Opening: Stha Padmasana activates the Heart Chakra, inviting more love and compassion into your life.

  4. Mental Focus: Maintaining the pose requires concentration, which enhances your mental clarity and presence.

Modifications for Stha Padmasana (Standing Lotus Pose)

If you find it challenging to balance on one foot or bring your foot to your thigh, you can practice a modified version. Place your foot on your calf or ankle instead.

Common Mistakes

Even lotuses have their wobbly moments! Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Forceful Placement: Be gentle with your foot placement on your thigh. Forcing it may cause strain.

  2. Tension in Shoulders: Relax those shoulders! Let them melt away from your ears.

  3. Overarching the Lower Back: Engage your core to avoid overarching your lower back.

Safety and Precautions

As with any yoga practice, listen to your body. Avoid this pose if you have knee or hip injuries. If you experience any pain or discomfort, come out of the pose gently.

Additional Preparation Tips

Here are some extra tips to enhance your Stha Padmasana experience:

  • Direction to Face While Doing This Pose and Why: Face the east, as it represents new beginnings and the rising sun, aligning with the transformative nature of the lotus.

  • What to Wear for This Pose: Wear comfortable, stretchy clothing that allows you to move freely, just like a lotus swaying with the wind.

  • Suitable Place and Essential Oil or Fragrance: Practice Stha Padmasana in a quiet, clutter-free space to fully immerse yourself in the moment. Consider using calming essential oils like lavender or jasmine to enhance the serenity.

  • Music for This Pose: Soft instrumental or gentle flute music can elevate your practice and add a touch of tranquility.

So, my lovely lotuses, there you have it! The captivating Stha Padmasana calls you to stand tall, find your inner stillness, and bloom beautifully in the ever-changing world. Embrace your journey, celebrate your growth, and may you always blossom in the divine presence of your own being.

Happy yoga-ing, everyone!


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About the Author

Namaste! I'm Pooja Chauhan

RYT 200Hrs | Meditation Coach 

Diving deep into the realm of yoga to revive its original teachings to create a significant impact in preserving and sharing them with the world.

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