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Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)

Writer's picture: Pooja ChauhanPooja Chauhan

Feathered Peacock Pose, known in Sanskrit as Pincha Mayurasana, is a captivating and challenging forearm balance that combines strength, flexibility, and focus. This pose is a beautiful testament to the grace and poise of a peacock, representing not only the physical mastery but also the spiritual upliftment one experiences through dedicated practice. When practiced with intention, Feathered Peacock Pose can lead to a deeper connection between the body and mind, enhancing both physical and mental resilience.

Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)

The name "Feathered Peacock Pose" derives from the Sanskrit words "Pincha" (feather) and "Mayura" (peacock). The imagery of a peacock’s feather is central to this pose, symbolizing the delicate balance and beauty that it embodies. The pose is not just about strength; it’s about channeling grace and elegance, much like the peacock itself. The peacock is often associated with beauty, pride, and spiritual awakening in various cultures, making this pose a symbol of blossoming self-awareness and the harmonious integration of body and mind.

Pincha Mayurasana is pronounced as "Pin-cha My-oo-rah-sa-na." Here’s a breakdown of the pronunciation:

  • Pincha: "Pin-cha" with a short "i" as in "pin."

  • Mayura: "My-oo-rah" with a long "oo" as in "moon."

  • Asana: "Ah-sa-na" with a soft "a" as in "car."

Anatomy of Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)

Pincha Mayurasana is an intricate pose that engages various parts of the body, requiring strength, balance, and flexibility. The primary muscles worked in this pose include:

  • Shoulders and Upper Back: The deltoids, trapezius, and rhomboids are heavily engaged to stabilize the upper body and keep the balance.

  • Arms and Forearms: The biceps, triceps, and forearm muscles are crucial for supporting the body weight.

  • Core Muscles: The rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis provide stability and control, preventing the back from arching too much.

  • Hips and Legs: The glutes and quadriceps help to extend the legs upward, while the inner thighs and hamstrings maintain the alignment.

The alignment of the shoulders, spine, and hips plays a crucial role in maintaining balance in this pose, while the core's engagement helps achieve a steady hold.

How to Do It: Steps and Instructions

  1. Start in Dolphin Pose: Begin on your hands and knees. Lower your forearms to the ground, with your elbows shoulder-width apart. Interlace your fingers or keep your forearms parallel, depending on your preference.

  2. Walk the Feet In: Lift your hips up, straightening your legs, and walk your feet towards your elbows. Your body should resemble an inverted “V” shape.

  3. Lift One Leg: Engage your core and lift one leg towards the ceiling. Keep the lifted leg straight and strong, pointing through the toes.

  4. Kick Up: With control, kick the other leg up to meet the first leg. Your body should now be in a straight line from your forearms to your toes.

  5. Hold the Pose: Keep your gaze between your hands, and maintain your balance by engaging your core and pressing firmly into the ground with your forearms.

  6. Exit the Pose: Slowly bring one leg down at a time, returning to Dolphin Pose. Rest in Child's Pose for a few breaths to relax.

Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)

When to Do It

Pincha Mayurasana is best practiced during the peak of your yoga session when your body is fully warmed up and your mind is centered. Morning practice is ideal as it aligns with the body's natural rhythm, providing a burst of energy and focus that can set a positive tone for the day.

Preparatory Poses

Before attempting Pincha Mayurasana, it's important to prepare the body with poses that build strength and flexibility in the shoulders, core, and legs. Some effective preparatory poses include:

  • Dolphin Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)

  • Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

  • Forearm Plank (Phalakasana)

  • Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

  • Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)

Follow-Up Poses

After practicing Pincha Mayurasana, it’s beneficial to ease the muscles with poses that provide a counter-stretch and relaxation. Recommended follow-up poses include:

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)

  • Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)

  • Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

  • Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

  • Fish Pose (Matsyasana)


Pincha Mayurasana is primarily associated with the Anahata (Heart Chakra) and Vishuddha (Throat Chakra). The Heart Chakra, located in the center of the chest, governs love, compassion, and emotional balance. The Throat Chakra, located at the throat, is associated with communication, expression, and truth. This pose helps to open and balance these chakras, fostering self-expression, inner peace, and the ability to connect deeply with oneself and others.

Anahata (Heart Chakra)


This Chamunda mantra is ideal for Pincha Mayurasana, invoking the fierce energy of goddess Durga. It helps channel strength, protection, and focus, all crucial for mastering this challenging pose. By chanting this mantra, you cultivate mental resilience and spiritual empowerment, supporting you through the pose's physical demands and deeper introspective journey.

"Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaye Viche"

Alignment Cues

Proper alignment is crucial in Pincha Mayurasana to prevent injury and achieve balance. Here are some key alignment cues to keep in mind:

  • Forearms parallel: Ensure your forearms are parallel to each other, with elbows shoulder-width apart.

  • Engage the core: Draw your navel towards your spine to prevent your lower back from arching excessively.

  • Press into the forearms: Actively press your forearms into the ground to lift and stabilize the shoulders.

  • Neutral spine: Keep your spine in a neutral position, avoiding any excessive arching or rounding.

  • Active legs: Keep your legs engaged and straight, with toes pointing towards the ceiling.

Duration of Hold

Hold Pincha Mayurasana for 5-10 breaths, or as long as you can maintain proper alignment and balance. Beginners may start with shorter holds and gradually increase the duration as they build strength and stability.

Drishti (Gaze)

In Pincha Mayurasana, the drishti, or gaze, should be focused slightly in front of your hands or between your hands on the mat. This helps with balance and concentration. Keeping a steady gaze prevents the mind from wandering and enhances the meditative aspect of the pose.

Physical & Spiritual Awareness

Physically, Pincha Mayurasana brings a heightened awareness to the upper body, especially the shoulders, arms, and core. It challenges the practitioner to find stability in a new orientation, cultivating physical strength and endurance. Spiritually, the inversion allows energy to flow toward the heart and throat chakras, encouraging introspection, self-love, and authentic expression. This pose can be a humbling experience that teaches patience, persistence, and the importance of inner strength.

Beginners’ Tips

  • Use a wall: Practicing against a wall provides support and helps you build confidence in the pose.

  • Practice Dolphin Pose: Mastering Dolphin Pose is a great way to strengthen the shoulders and prepare for the full expression of Pincha Mayurasana.

  • Focus on alignment: Rather than rushing to get into the full pose, concentrate on proper alignment and building the necessary strength.

  • Take it slow: Progress gradually, focusing on lifting one leg at a time until you can kick up with control.

Who Should Not Do It

Pincha Mayurasana may not be suitable for everyone. Avoid this pose if you have:

  • Shoulder, neck, or back injuries: The pressure on these areas can exacerbate existing conditions.

  • High blood pressure or heart conditions: The inversion can increase pressure and may not be safe.

  • Pregnancy: This pose is not recommended during pregnancy due to the risk of falling and the pressure it places on the abdomen.

  • Glaucoma or detached retina: The inversion can increase intraocular pressure, which can be harmful.

Who Should Do It

Pincha Mayurasana is ideal for practitioners who:

  • Want to build upper body strength: This pose significantly strengthens the shoulders, arms, and core.

  • Seek mental focus and clarity: The concentration required in this pose helps sharpen the mind and improve mental resilience.

  • Desire to advance their yoga practice: This is a challenging pose that can take your practice to the next level.

  • Aim to open the heart and throat chakras: The pose promotes energy flow in these chakras, enhancing emotional and spiritual well-being.

Benefits of Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)

Physical Benefits:

  1. Strengthens Upper Body: Builds significant strength in the shoulders, arms, and core.

  2. Enhances Balance: Improves overall balance and coordination.

  3. Increases Flexibility: Stretches the spine and legs, boosting flexibility.

  4. Improves Posture: Reinforces proper alignment, promoting better posture.

  5. Boosts Brain Function: The inversion increases blood flow to the brain, enhancing mental clarity.

Mental and Spiritual Benefits:

  1. Builds Inner Strength: Encourages patience and resilience, fostering inner strength.

  2. Balances Emotions: Opens the Heart and Throat Chakras, promoting emotional balance and self-expression.

  3. Sharpens Focus: Enhances concentration, improving mental clarity.

  4. Fosters Spiritual Growth: The inversion offers a new perspective, deepening spiritual connection.

  5. Empowers Self: Achieving this pose boosts confidence and self-belief.

Pincha Mayurasana is not just a physical challenge but a holistic practice that strengthens the body, sharpens the mind, and uplifts the spirit.

Variations of Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)

  1. Scorpion Pose (Vrschikasana): Bend your knees and lower your feet towards your head, creating a deep backbend. This variation adds a significant challenge to the balance and flexibility required in Pincha Mayurasana.

  2. Eka Pada Pincha Mayurasana: Lift one leg towards the ceiling while keeping the other leg bent at the knee. This variation challenges balance and core strength.

  3. Forearm Stand with Hands Together: Instead of keeping the forearms parallel, bring the hands together in a prayer position. This variation intensifies the focus on the shoulders and forearms.

Modifications for Feathered Peacock Pose (Pincha Mayurasana)

  • Use a strap: Place a strap around your upper arms to prevent them from splaying out, helping to maintain proper alignment.

  • Practice with a block: Place a yoga block between your hands or under your forehead to help with balance and alignment.

  • Keep one leg down: Instead of kicking up both legs, keep one foot on the ground and practice lifting the other leg. This modification helps build strength and control gradually.

Common Mistakes

  1. Arching the lower back: Allowing the lower back to arch excessively can lead to injury. Engage your core to keep the spine neutral.

  2. Splaying the elbows: Keep your elbows shoulder-width apart and parallel to each other to maintain stability and prevent strain on the shoulders.

  3. Holding the breath: Remember to breathe deeply and steadily throughout the pose to maintain focus and relaxation.

  4. Rushing into the pose: Take your time to set up properly and ensure alignment before attempting to kick up into the pose.

Safety and Precautions

  • Warm up thoroughly: Ensure your shoulders, arms, and core are adequately warmed up before attempting Pincha Mayurasana.

  • Use a wall: Practice against a wall until you build the confidence and strength to balance without support.

  • Listen to your body: If you experience pain or discomfort, come out of the pose and rest.

  • Avoid forcing the pose: Respect your body’s limits and progress gradually.

Additional Preparation Tips

Direction to Face: Face east when practicing this pose, aligning with the rising sun, symbolizing new beginnings and spiritual awakening.

What to Wear: Wear comfortable, form-fitting clothing that allows for a full range of motion. Avoid loose clothing that may get in the way during the inversion.

Suitable Place and Essential Oil or Fragrance: Practice in a quiet, well-lit space with ample room for movement. Using essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint can enhance focus and clarity, creating a refreshing environment for your practice.

Music for This Pose: Play soft, instrumental music that fosters concentration and relaxation. Avoid music with heavy beats or distracting lyrics. Sounds of nature or traditional Indian classical music can be particularly soothing.

Incorporating these tips into your practice will not only enhance your experience of Pincha Mayurasana but also deepen your connection to the pose, both physically and spiritually. Remember, yoga is a journey, and each step forward—no matter how small—is a victory. Embrace the challenge with an open heart, and let the Feathered Peacock Pose inspire you to soar to new heights in your practice.

Happy yoga-ing!

Namaste! 🙏💜

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Aug 31, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Amazing blog


Aug 20, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Hello Pooja ji. I have been trying this pose for a week now. I tend to fall forward. Can you please help me. Thank you.

Aug 31, 2024
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Hello Pooja ji. I wanted to follow up. Please let me know.

I have made some progress but still can't perfect it.

Pooja Chauhan_edited_edited.jpg

About the Author

Namaste! I'm Pooja Chauhan

RYT 200Hrs | Meditation Coach 

Diving deep into the realm of yoga to revive its original teachings to create a significant impact in preserving and sharing them with the world.

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