The third eye chakra, known as the sixth of the seven major chakras, serves as a gateway to higher consciousness and is responsible for awakening and regulating spiritual energy. It grants perception beyond ordinary sight.

The Ajna chakra also referred to as the "Command" or "Perceiving" Center, is where we transcend the duality of a separate personal identity and recognize our interconnectedness with the world. Located on the forehead between the eyebrows, it is the centre of intuition and foresight.
The frequency of the Ajna chakra aids in the awakening of intuition and aligning with spiritual harmony, thereby assisting in the healing of headaches and migraines. This chakra's energy is also associated with the well-being of the eyes, nose, and throat (ENT), as it is directly connected to the pituitary and pineal glands.
The seed mantra for this chakra is "OM," and its sound is represented by the note "A" or the sound "Om" at a frequency of 426.7Hz.
The element associated with the Ajna chakra is light. This chakra perceives through pure seeing and witnessing, transcending ordinary perception. It also serves as the seat of conscience, understanding the deeper meaning of what is seen in the light of the soul. Anatomically, the Ajna chakra relates to the brain, forehead, brow, pituitary and pineal glands, eyes, nose, and the carotid nerve plexus.
The third eye chakra acts as a confluence point where the three energy channels (nadis) - ida, pingala, and sushumna - merge into one stream of consciousness, flowing up to the crown chakra. The merging of these channels facilitates the transformation of individual consciousness.
It is also known as the seat of the "inner Guru" or teacher, the source of inner guidance. It functions as the "eye of intuition," allowing access to the astral and psychic realms of consciousness, where one receives revelations and insights.
Psychological and behavioural characteristics associated with this chakra include vision, intuition, perception of subtle energies, psychic abilities, access to mystical states, connection to wisdom, and motivation for inspiration and creativity.
Characteristics of the Third Eye Chakra:
The foundation of Wisdom: The third eye chakra serves as a foundation for cultivating inner knowledge, and inspiration, and discovering one's true life purpose.
Intuitive Nature: This chakra is dedicated to enhancing intuition and strengthening psychic awareness. It works in harmony with the rational mind, deepening intuitive insights and allowing one to see beyond illusions.
Opening of Ajna Chakra: The third eye chakra, associated with vision and intuition, opens up pathways for perceiving subtle energy movements and gaining clearer insight.
Trusting Your Instincts: This chakra establishes a strong connection to personal insight and wisdom, motivating creativity and inspiration.
Fearless Perspective on Death: Maintaining awareness of the third eye chakra involves focus and the ability to relax into a new way of perceiving. By concentrating on the mind and consciousness, one can transcend illusions and distractions that hinder true understanding.
Where Is Third Eye Chakra Located?

The Ajna chakra, also known as the third eye chakra, is situated between the eyebrows, slightly above the bridge of the nose. It can be visualized at the point where the inner eyebrows would meet if extended.
Alternatively, it can be perceived as being positioned behind the eyes in the middle of the head. It's worth noting that secondary chakras run along the midline of the forehead, but the third eye chakra typically resides in a lower location.
From an anatomical standpoint, the Ajna chakra is located in the pituitary gland, directly situated behind the centre of the forehead.
The third eye chakra is closely associated with the pineal gland, which is responsible for regulating biorhythms, including sleep and wake patterns.
The pineal gland, located in the brain, attracts significant attention due to its connection with light perception and its influence on mystical states of consciousness. Positioned near the optical nerves, it is sensitive to visual stimuli and changes in lighting.
The Color of Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is symbolized by the colour indigo. However, the aura energy emitted from this chakra can also appear as a translucent shade of purple or bluish-white. When observing this colour:
Clarity of the Senses: It brings clarity and heightened awareness to the sense organs, enhancing your ability to see, hear, and feel.
Connection to the Sixth Sense: Indigo colour is closely associated with your sixth sense, which aligns with the same location as your third eye.
Bridging Heaven and Earth: The third eye chakra acts as a bridge between the realms of heaven and earth. It facilitates transitions between life and death, guiding the journey of the soul.
Symbolic Thinking: Indigo represents the energy of symbolic thinking. It allows for the interpretation and understanding of deeper meanings and messages beyond the literal.
Transformation of Energy: Indigo enables the transformation of energies originating from the lower chakras into higher spiritual vibrations, promoting spiritual growth and enlightenment.
The Symbol of Third Eye Chakra
The symbol of the Third Eye Chakra is a purple lotus with two petals, encompassing a downward-pointing triangle. Within the triangle, the sacred symbol of OM is featured.
The Two Petals: These two petals symbolize the final duality that remains—the interplay between the Self and the Divine.
The Round Circle: It represents the emptiness or void that exists within the lotus petals, signifying the potential for inner transformation.
The Downward-Pointing Triangle: This inverted triangle represents Shakti, the feminine creative power, while above it rests a Shivalingam, representing Shiva, the masculine aspect of consciousness.
The OM Symbol: It signifies the ultimate reality, consciousness, and the soul (Atman). It represents the profound connection to the divine essence within oneself.
In summary, the Third Eye Chakra symbol embodies the harmonious union of the Self and the Divine, with the lotus petals, the downward-pointing triangle, and the OM symbol representing various aspects of spiritual realization and transcendence.
Characteristics of Balanced Third Eye Chakra
A harmoniously balanced third eye chakra exhibits heightened intuition and an expanded perception that goes beyond ordinary sight. It enables an individual to see and perceive things in a different, profound manner.
While our physical eyes perceive the material world, a balanced Ajna chakra allows us to delve into deeper realms. It opens pathways to intuition, clairvoyance, imagination, creativity, and visualization. Those with a well-balanced Ajna chakra possess enhanced intuition, a firm sense of identity, and the capacity for introspection and self-reflection.
Characteristics of Imbalanced Third Eye Chakra
An imbalanced sixth chakra can manifest in different ways, either leaning towards excessive conceptualization, analysis, and rigidity, or towards mental frailty and fluidity.
Here are some common symptoms associated with an unbalanced sixth chakra: Fear of Trusting Others, Confusion, Negative Beliefs, Lack of Responsibility, Headaches and Migraines, Learning Disabilities, Closed-mindedness, Mental Rigidity, Emotional Disconnect, Eye and Ear Problems, Nose and Sinus Issues and Nausea.
An imbalance within a chakra can be observed in relation to its under-activity or overactivity.
Underactive or Blocked Third Eye Chakra
When the flow of Prana in the third eye chakra slows down, it indicates under-activity or a closed state of the chakra. In such cases:
Difficulty in Understanding Spiritual Connections: It becomes challenging to comprehend and perceive spiritual connections and the deeper meaning behind experiences.
Lack of Spiritual Perception: Connecting and recognizing the spiritual aspects of things becomes difficult, hindering the ability to see how events and circumstances are spiritually related.
Imbalance with the Body and its Commands: There is a struggle to achieve harmony and alignment between the physical body and its needs and desires.
Confusion and Disconnection: One may experience a sense of confusion and disconnection, relying excessively on personal beliefs and being closed off to new energy and perspectives.
Feeling Stuck and Limited: The individual may feel stuck, unable to look beyond problems and challenges, and lacking the vision and clarity needed for deeper understanding and resolution.
Overactive Third Eye Chakra
When the Prana in the third eye chakra spins at an accelerated pace, it indicates an overactive state. In the case of an overactive third-eye chakra:
Over-Intellectual Thinking: There is a tendency to be excessively focused on intellectual analysis and reasoning, relying heavily on logic and the mind.
Judgmental and Unsympathetic: One may become overly critical, judgmental, and lacking empathy towards others, prioritizing logical reasoning over understanding and compassion.
Creation of False Mental Scenarios: There is a tendency to create imaginary circumstances and scenarios within the mind that are not reflective of reality.
Misinterpretation of Spiritual Information: Spiritual information and experiences may be misinterpreted through the lens of logic and what seems rational, missing the deeper spiritual meaning and essence.
Excessive Fantasizing and Stress: Excessive fantasizing can lead to heightened anxiety and stress, as the mind becomes preoccupied with unrealistic thoughts and expectations.
What causes the Third Eye Chakra imbalance?
When stress, illness, emotional disturbances, or conflicts arise, an imbalance can occur within the chakra system. Since the seven chakras are interconnected, any imbalance in one chakra can affect the others as well.
In the case of an imbalanced third eye chakra, two extremes may arise. One extreme involves being consumed by negativity in reality, leading to feelings of depression. The other extreme involves becoming lost in fantasies and experiencing a sense of disillusionment.
The following are key causes of an imbalanced third eye chakra:
Lack of faith in one's purpose
Feelings of pointlessness or meaninglessness
Perceiving one's work or life as insignificant
How to Balance Third Eye Chakra?
To initiate the healing process of the Ajna Chakra, it is important to address it indirectly by addressing the psychological issues associated with the lower chakras first. When concerns, anxieties, and emotional fluctuations cease to project themselves onto the sixth chakra, the mind naturally becomes clearer and more lucid. By attending to and resolving these underlying issues, the healing of the Ajna Chakra can begin.
Practice Meditation with Mantra and Mudras
To achieve balance in the third eye chakra, a simple yet effective practice involves using hand mudras, such as the Hakini Mudra, while directing your awareness to the area of the third eye chakra, located between your eyebrows.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform meditation with Hakini Mudra:
Find a comfortable seated position with your spine straight.
Close your eyes and bring your focus to the Third Eye Chakra, which is situated between the eyebrows.
Bring your hands in front of your heart, and join all your fingertips together.
Slowly lower your hands in front of your pelvis, with your fingers pointing towards the floor.
Maintain this mudra for as long as desired.
Bonus Tip: For those who are more advanced, the Hakini hand gesture can be combined with the Khechari mudra. This advanced mudra involves curling the tongue and bringing it above the soft palate and into the nasal cavity. However, please note that this practice is best undertaken under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher and is not recommended for beginners.
It is suggested to practice Hakini Mudra for up to 30 minutes every day. If desired, you can divide the practice into multiple sessions throughout the day. For optimal results, it is recommended to practice this mudra in the morning and evening for at least two weeks.
Remember to listen to your body and adjust the duration of the practice according to your comfort level. Consistency and patience are key to experiencing the benefits of this mudra.
Yoga Poses for Third Eye Chakra
Incorporating these asanas into your practice can support the balance and well-being of the third-eye chakra. Remember to practice them mindfully and listen to your body's limits and comfort levels.
Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend: This pose promotes the flow of blood towards the location of the third eye chakra, aiding in its balance and activation.
Janu Sirsasana or Head-to-Knee Pose: By bending forward in this pose, the third eye chakra is stimulated, increasing blood flow to the face and activating the energy in this area.
Makarasana or Dolphin Pose: Dolphin pose enhances a sense of balance by improving circulation to the face and brain, thus benefiting the third eye chakra.
Balasana or Child's Pose: When we rest our forehead or touch the eyebrow centre to the floor in this pose, it helps to ground and release any negativity from the soul, promoting balance and healing in the third eye chakra.
Stones to heal Third Eye Chakra

Angelite: Angelite, also known as the angel stone, possesses a high vibrational energy that resonates with love, compassion, and forgiveness. This soothing stone specifically targets the throat chakra, providing relief from discomfort in the throat area, including issues related to the tonsils and thyroid. It also aids in releasing blocked energy throughout the body.

Chrysocolla: With its beautiful blue hue, Chrysocolla is a stone that stimulates the throat chakra. It facilitates effective communication, self-expression, and creativity, all of which are qualities associated with the throat chakra. Often referred to as the "Teaching Stone," Chrysocolla enables the flow of knowledge from our higher selves to the throat chakra.

Azurite: Among crystal healing enthusiasts, Azurite is highly regarded for its work on the throat chakra. This deep blue gemstone encourages honesty, clear communication, and
self-expression. It serves as a protective shield for the aura and aids in releasing mental blocks. Azurite also supports inner vision, helping individuals tap into their highest creative potential.

Lapis Lazuli: Lapis Lazuli is a powerhouse for the throat chakra, offering spiritual strength and stability. Along with its striking blue appearance, this stone has the ability to restore order amidst chaos. It inspires self-expression and authenticity, making it an excellent companion for those seeking a stronger connection with the divine.

Kyanite: Kyanite is a highly effective stone for stimulating the throat chakra and promoting clear communication. It is known to enhance logical thinking processes. Kyanite also stimulates intuitive perception, allowing individuals to tap into deeper levels of insight. Ultimately, it assists in reaching one's highest spiritual potential.
Food for Third Eye Chakra
By incorporating these diet and lifestyle tips into your routine, you can support the harmonization and balance of the Ajna Chakra. Remember to listen to your body and choose practices that resonate with you individually.
Sunlight and Detoxification: Spend time sitting in sunlight to nourish and activate the pineal gland, which is associated with the third-eye chakra. Detoxify your body through healthy practices to support the overall balance of this chakra.
Aromatherapy: Use essential oils that correspond to the third-eye chakra, such as lavender, frankincense, or sandalwood. Incorporate these aromas into your environment through diffusers or by applying them topically to promote balance and alignment.
Third-Eye Chakra Sound Frequencies: Listen to sound frequencies specifically designed to cleanse and balance the third-eye chakra. These frequencies can help attune and harmonize the energy of this chakra.
Foods for the Ajna Chakra: Include blue-green algae and purple-red foods in your diet, such as eggplant, purple kale, purple grapes, raisins, and plums. These foods resonate with the energy of the third-eye chakra and can support its balance.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish (like salmon and sardines) and nuts (like walnuts and almonds), into your diet. These healthy fats nourish the brain and support overall brain function, including the energy of the third-eye chakra.
Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Consume vegetables and fruits that are rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries. Antioxidants help protect the body's cells, including those in the third-eye chakra, from oxidative stress and promote overall well-being.
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
By repeating these affirmations, you can strengthen your connection to the Ajna Chakra, enhance your intuitive abilities, and gain deeper insights into your authentic self.
I have complete trust in my intuition.
I am capable of perceiving everything I need to see.
I embrace the guidance of my inner wisdom.
I am a wise being, constantly seeking answers to my questions.
The Ajna Chakra serves as more than just a centre for thinking; it is also the focal point of attention. It grants us the freedom to select what deserves our focus, ultimately aiding in the attainment of physical well-being.
Understanding the Ajna Chakra serves as a compass for comprehending our physical and mental presence. By harnessing its power, we can heal physical and mental afflictions, restoring the body to a state of normalcy. This is due to the Third Eye's role as the dwelling place of intuition and determination.
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