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Embrace the Wisdom of Marichyasana B (The Sage Pose B)

Writer's picture: Pooja ChauhanPooja Chauhan

Updated: May 21, 2024

Yoga offers a vast array of poses, each with unique benefits and significance. Marichyasana B, also known as The Sage Pose B, is a seated twist that provides a deep stretch and an opportunity for introspection. Let's explore the essence of Marichyasana B, diving into its meaning, benefits, and how to incorporate it into your practice.


Marichyasana B is a seated forward bend combined with a twist. It is named after the sage Marichi, one of the sons of Brahma and a great yogic seer. This pose is known for its ability to stretch the hips, hamstrings, and spine while providing a gentle twist that massages the internal organs.

The name "Marichyasana" comes from the Sanskrit words "Marichi" (the name of the sage) and "Asana" (meaning pose). This asana pays homage to the wisdom and insight of the sage Marichi.

Marichyasana B is pronounced as: Mar-ee-chee-AHS-uh-nuh Bee

Marichyasana B engages several key areas of the body:

  • Hips: The pose requires one leg to be in a half-lotus position, deeply opening the hip joint.

  • Hamstrings: The extended leg receives a deep stretch.

  • Spine: The twist elongates and detoxifies the spine.

  • Abdominals: The twist engages and tones the abdominal muscles.

How to Perform Marichyasana B (The Sage Pose B)

  1. Start in Dandasana (Staff Pose): Sit with your legs extended straight in front of you and your spine tall.

  2. Half-Lotus Position: Bend your right knee and place the right foot on the left thigh in a half-lotus position.

  3. Bend Left Knee: Bend your left knee and place the left foot flat on the mat, close to your left sit bone.

  4. Wrap and Twist: Inhale and lengthen your spine. Exhale, wrap your right arm around your left knee, and reach your right hand behind your back. If possible, clasp your right wrist with your left hand behind your back.

  5. Forward Bend: Inhale, lengthen the spine again. Exhale, fold forward over your extended left leg, bringing your forehead towards your shin.

  6. Hold the Pose: Stay here for 5-10 breaths, maintaining a steady, even breath.

  7. Release and Repeat: To come out of the pose, release your hands, sit up, and extend both legs forward. Repeat on the opposite side.


When to Do It

Marichyasana B is best practiced after your body is warmed up, making it a good pose for the middle or end of your yoga session. It's ideal after standing poses or sun salutations when the muscles are more pliable.

Preparatory Poses

  • Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose): Opens the hips and groins.

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose): Prepares the spine and hips for the twist.

  • Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend): Stretches the hamstrings and prepares for forward folding.

Follow-Up Poses

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog): Lengthens the spine and releases any tension from the twist.

  • Savasana (Corpse Pose): For relaxation and integration of the benefits of the pose.

  • Janu Sirsasana (Head-to-Knee Pose): Continues to stretch the hamstrings and opens the hips.


Marichyasana B is primarily connected to the Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra). This chakra is associated with personal power, confidence, and transformation. The twisting motion of Marichyasana B stimulates and balances the Solar Plexus Chakra, enhancing your sense of self and inner strength.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Mantra for This Pose

Chanting the mantra can enhance your practice of Marichyasana B. This mantra invokes the energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra, promoting confidence and personal power.

“Om Manipura Namaha”

Alignment Cues

  • Ensure your sitting bones are evenly grounded on the mat to maintain balance.

  • Lengthen your spine with each inhale to avoid collapsing into the twist.

  • Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears.

  • Gently engage your core to support the twist and maintain stability.

Duration of Hold

Hold Marichyasana B for 5-10 breaths on each side, gradually increasing the duration as your flexibility and comfort with the pose improve.


Your drishti (gaze) in Marichyasana B should be inward, focusing on the sensations within your body and your breath. This inward focus enhances the meditative quality of the pose.

Physical & Spiritual Awareness

Physically, Marichyasana B stretches and detoxifies the body, particularly the spine and abdominal organs. Spiritually, it encourages introspection and self-awareness, inviting you to explore the depths of your inner self. This pose offers a balance of effort and surrender, allowing you to find peace in the present moment.

Beginners’ Tips

  • Use a yoga strap to bind if you cannot reach your hands behind your back.

  • Place a folded blanket under your hips to help tilt your pelvis forward and maintain a straight spine.

  • Keep a slight bend in your extended leg if your hamstrings are tight.

Who Should Not Do It

  • Individuals with knee, hip, or lower back injuries should avoid this pose.

  • Those with conditions affecting the spine, such as herniated discs, should practice with caution and seek guidance from a qualified instructor.

  • Pregnant women should avoid deep twists and half-lotus positions.

Who Should Do It

  • Practitioners looking to improve flexibility in the hips, hamstrings, and spine.

  • Those seeking to stimulate and balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.

  • Individuals are interested in deepening their twist and enhancing detoxification.

Benefits of Marichyasana B (The Sage Pose B)

  • Physical Benefits: Stretches and strengthens the hips, hamstrings, and spine. Improves digestion and detoxifies the internal organs.

  • Mental Benefits: Promotes focus, concentration, and mindfulness. Reduces stress and tension.

  • Spiritual Benefits: Stimulates the Solar Plexus Chakra, enhancing personal power and confidence. Encourages introspection and self-awareness.

Variations of Marichyasana B (The Sage Pose B)

  • Bound Variation: For a deeper stretch, you can bind your hands behind your back, if your flexibility allows.

  • Half Bound Variation: If full binding is challenging, use a yoga strap to connect your hands behind your back.

Modifications for Marichyasana B (The Sage Pose B)

  • Use a Blanket: Place a folded blanket under your hips for added support and comfort.

  • Strap for Binding: Use a yoga strap to help with the binding if you cannot reach your hands behind your back.

  • Bent Knee: Keep a slight bend in your extended leg if you have tight hamstrings.

Common Mistakes

  • Collapsing the Spine: Ensure your spine stays long and extended, even as you twist and fold forward.

  • Over-Twisting: Avoid forcing the twist; instead, allow your body to gently move into the pose.

  • Knee Strain: Be mindful of any discomfort in the knees, especially in the half-lotus position. Modify as needed.

Safety and Precautions

  • Practice mindfulness and listen to your body to avoid strain or injury.

  • Use props and modifications as needed to ensure comfort and safety.

  • If you have any medical conditions or injuries, consult with a healthcare provider before practicing Marichyasana B.

Additional Preparation Tips

Direction to Face: While practicing Marichyasana B, facing east can symbolize new beginnings and clarity, aligning with the purifying and transformative nature of the pose.

What to Wear: Wear comfortable, stretchy clothing that allows for ease of movement, such as yoga leggings and a fitted top.

Suitable Place and Essential Oil/Fragrance: Practice in a quiet, clean space with a non-slip yoga mat. Diffuse calming essential oils like lavender or sandalwood to enhance relaxation and focus.

Music for This Pose: Soft, instrumental music or nature sounds can create a serene environment, allowing you to turn inward more easily and deepen your connection to the present moment.

Marichyasana B (The Sage Pose B) offers a profound blend of physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. This pose, with its combination of hip opening, forward folding, and twisting, provides a comprehensive stretch and an opportunity for deep introspection. Approach Marichyasana B with mindfulness and patience, and allow its transformative energy to guide you towards greater harmony and inner wisdom. As you embody the wisdom of the sage Marichi, may you find balance, strength, and peace within yourself.

Happy yoga-ing!


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About the Author

Namaste! I'm Pooja Chauhan

RYT 200Hrs | Meditation Coach 

Diving deep into the realm of yoga to revive its original teachings to create a significant impact in preserving and sharing them with the world.

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