Pooja Chauhan

Jan 243 min

Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon) - Benefits & Steps

Updated: Jun 5

Have you ever felt the need to stretch and release tension in your hips while sinking into a soothing yoga pose? Enter Supine Pigeon, or Supta Kapotasana, a pose that gracefully combines ease with effectiveness. Let's unravel the magic behind this yoga gem.

Derived from the Sanskrit words "Supta" (supine) and "Kapota" (pigeon), this pose beautifully mimics the shape of a pigeon in a serene, reclined position.

Pronounced as "soop-tah kah-poh-TAHS-uh-nuh," the name exudes tranquility, setting the tone for the practice ahead.

How to perform Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon)

  1. Begin in a supine position, lying flat on your back.

  2. Bend your knees, bringing the soles of your feet to the mat.

  3. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee, creating a figure-four shape.

  4. Thread your arms through the space created, clasping your hands behind the thigh of the lifted leg.

  5. Gently draw the knee towards your chest, feeling a deep stretch in the hip of the crossed leg.

  6. Hold the pose for a comfortable duration, focusing on your breath and allowing the tension to melt away.

When to perform Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon)

Supine Pigeon is your go-to pose when the hips crave liberation and a respite from the day's tensions. Incorporate it into your yoga routine, especially after a long day or as part of a relaxation sequence.

Preparatory Poses for Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon)

Prepare your body and mind for the grace of Supine Pigeon by engaging in hip-opening poses like

  • Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

  • Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Follow-up Poses for Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon)

Transition seamlessly from Supine Pigeon to other grounding poses like Savasana or seated meditation, allowing the benefits to linger and deepen.


Supine Pigeon resonates with the Svadhisthana or sacral chakra, fostering creativity, emotional balance, and sensuality. Feel the energy flow and embrace the harmonizing effects of this energy center.

Mantra for this Pose

As you melt into the pose, repeat the mantra,

"I release tension, inviting serenity within."

Alignment Cues

  • Ensure both shoulders are firmly rooted to the mat.

  • Keep the spine straight, maintaining a gentle curve in the lower back.

  • Soften the facial muscles and relax the jaw.

  • Engage the breath, inhaling calm and exhaling tension.

Duration of Hold

Allow yourself to luxuriate in Supine Pigeon for 1 to 5 minutes on each side, adjusting the duration to your comfort and flexibility.

Drishti (Gaze)

Gently close your eyes or soften your gaze towards the sky, fostering introspection and connection with your inner self.

Physical & Spiritual Awareness

Feel the stretch in your hips and thighs, acknowledging the release of emotional baggage. Allow your spirit to soar as you embrace the liberating sensations.

Beginners’ Tips

If you're new to Supine Pigeon, use props like a cushion under the hips for added support. Gradually deepen the stretch as your flexibility improves.

Who should not do it?

Individuals with knee or hip injuries should approach this pose with caution. Pregnant women in the later stages should also exercise care.

Who should do it?

For anyone seeking a deep hip release, enhanced flexibility, and a calming influence on the mind – Supine Pigeon welcomes you.

Benefits of Supine Pigeon (Supta Kapotasana)

  1. Hip Flexibility: Opens and stretches the hip flexors, reducing stiffness.

  2. Emotional Release: Releases stored tension in the hips, associated with emotional baggage.

  3. Lower Back Relief: Eases lower back discomfort by promoting a healthy lumbar curve.

  4. Improved Circulation: Enhances blood flow to the pelvic region, benefiting reproductive organs.

  5. Stress Reduction: Calms the mind and encourages mindful breathing, alleviating stress.

Modifications for Supine Pigeon (Supta Kapotasana)

Modify the pose with props like cushions or bolsters under the hips for added support, especially if you're a beginner or with physical limitations.

Common Mistakes

Avoid overarching the lower back or forcing the knee towards the chest. Instead, focus on a gradual and gentle stretch to prevent strain.

Additional Preparation Tips

  • Direction to face while doing this pose and why: Face towards the ceiling or sky to encourage an open-hearted and receptive posture.

  • What to wear for this pose: Opt for comfortable, stretchy clothing that allows freedom of movement.

  • Suitable place and essential oil or fragrance: Practice in a quiet, well-ventilated space. Enhance the experience with calming essential oils like lavender or chamomile.

  • Music for this Pose: Choose soft instrumental or ambient music to create a serene ambiance.

Embark on the journey of Supine Pigeon, where the physical and spiritual seamlessly intertwine. Let this pose be your sanctuary, a haven of tranquility amid life's hustle. As you surrender to its grace, discover the profound peace that awaits within the gentle folds of Supta Kapotasana.

Happy yoga-ing, everyone!


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